Who's who.
Some helpful people to know.
Getting connected.
Everyone in City Church has a part to play in serving the church family, but there are some people you might find it particularly helpful to connect with if you’re new, or looking to get better connected into the church family:

Claire leads the Sunday welcome team. welcometeam@citychurchcambridge.org.uk.

Dave & Katie.
Dave and Katie organise baptisms – if you want to start following Jesus, get in touch with them. baptism@citychurchcambridge.org.uk.

Laura leads the Seedlings baby and toddler group. seedlings@citychurchcambridge.org.uk

Charlotte & Heather.
Charlotte and Heather (both employed part time by the church) lead the children’s work. childrenswork@citychurchcambridge.org.uk. Our intern, Marielle, works with them.

Jason (employed part time by the church) leads the youth work. youth@citychurchcambridge.org.uk.

Gerry & Tessa.
Gerry and Tessa lead “Tuesdays Together” for seniors. It meets alternate Tuesdays, 10.30am-12noon
For more details, email: office@citychurchcambridge.org.uk
Lots of people lead a variety of small groups, called City Groups (click here to see the list of groups).
City Church is led by a team of Elders who seek to set an example of what it means to follow Jesus and together take responsibility for the spiritual oversight and protection of the whole church family. Within that, different Elders tend to have a particular focus on different areas of church life. Contact them via office@citychurchcambridge.org.uk.

Alex looks after our corporate prayer.

Dan (employed part time by the church) (pictured with his daughter) works with the Pastoral Coordination Team to coordinate the care of church members, and oversees the Prophetic Coordination Team.

Daniel (employed by the church) leads the eldership team.

Jon partners with Daniel to oversee our small groups, called City Groups.

Matt has a particular eye on evangelism and work in the community.

Matthew is chair of the Trustees and oversees the youthwork.

Simeon (employed by the church) looks after our Sunday services, preaching and teaching, worship team and children's work.

James is part of the team but not appointed as an Elder. He organises and chairs Elders’ meetings.
The Trustees/Directors are responsible for the legal and financial aspects of the church. They are Andrew, Gbenga, John, Ken, Kathryn (employed by the church as senior operations manager) and Matthew (chair). You can contact them via office@citychurchcambridge.org.uk.
Our safeguarding coordinator is Kathryn Thomas and the deputies are Matthew Waterson (for vulnerable adults) and Heather Waterson (for children). If you have any concerns you can contact them via safeguardingcoords@citychurchcambridge.org.uk.
As a church we are also served by other staff members:
Emily (worship team leader) – worship@citychurchcambridge.org.uk
Isla (operations manager) – office@citychurchcambridge.org.uk
Laura (communications administrator) - coms@citychurchcambridge.org.uk
Peter and Vaida (finance) – get in touch with them about the practicalities of your giving to the church. giving@citychurchcambridge.org.uk​