Talking to God.

We believe that prayer is a vital part of the life of a follower of Jesus. As a church family, we encourage one another to build a habit of regularly talking to God throughout daily life.
We also believe that praying together is important.
There's no need to wait for an organised event or meeting to pray with others but we do have a couple of regular large-scale prayer events for everyone to get involved in (see below for details).
Weekly events.
Regular opportunities to pray together.
We also make space to pray together before our Sunday morning service – meeting at 10am in the Lounge –and during our Sunday services. There's also usually a City Group (or several!) who meet weekly to pray together.
Week of Prayer.
A week focusing on prayer.
However, wherever, whenever.
Because prayer is important, we set aside three one-week blocks each year to particularly put prayer at the top of the agenda.
Our next Week of Prayer is scheduled for 14th - 20th January. Click here for more details.
RM Together.
News + prayer from our family of churches.
This is an hour-long chance to hear from and pray for folk across our Relational Mission family, coming to a screen near you (via YouTube) on 22nd November 2023 at 8pm.
Click here to find out more.