We are committed to serving the congregation, the local community and the efforts of other churches throughout the world. All this requires money and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who faithfully gives to our mission of seeing the fame of Jesus increase.
If, after reading the information below, you have any questions about the practicalities of giving to the church, or need to let us know of any changes to your giving, please contact the finance team via email: finance@citychurchcambridge.org.uk
Click here to make a one-off donation.
For regular giving, our details are:
City Church Cambridge
Sort code: 30-13-55
Account number: 00396065
Please set up any standing orders to reach us before the 28th of any month so we receive all payments within the expected month
Cash and cheques can be placed in the black offering box at the front of the main hall. Please make any cheques payable to City Church Cambridge.
If you are a UK taxpayer we would be grateful if you could sign a Gift Aid Declaration form (which you can find here).
If you do, we can claim back 25p for every £1 you give us.
If you would like any more information about giving to the church please do get in touch.