Growing a Children’s Ministry for a Growing Church.
We are committed to supporting the work of our parents in order to ensure that:
Children are fully integrated, as valued members, into the life of City Church
Children are cared for in a safe and secure environment
The gospel is communicated to all children
All children are encouraged and discipled in their own personal relationship with God, discovering Biblical truth and the Holy Spirit, and how these can equip their lives.
The methods and media used for communicating with children are stimulating and relevant to their age, ability and understanding.
Our CityKids groups run mainly during The Morning Service at 10.30am, with the children in age-appropriate groups for Bible teaching, worship and time together to play and get to know each other. The groups for different ages are:
Age 0-2 - There are two different spaces available for parents/carers to take their child into; both have a video feed from the service. Babies are welcome in The Lounge while more-mobile children will appreciate the larger room upstairs, which will have toys to play with.
Age 2 -Reception - GrowZone
School Years 1-2 - ZoomRoom
School Years 3-4 - PowerHouse Orange
School Years 5-6 - PowerHouse Red
There is also a PowerHouse Red group (years 5-6) at The Evening Service (5pm)
Contact our team at childrenswork@citychurchcambridge.org.uk for further details.